Who We Are
Elim Church Global was founded in 2006 on the Central Coast, NSW, Australia. We are a non-denominational church community where all are warmly welcomed and where the whole council of God is preached in the Power of the Holy Spirit. We are a Church which believes that the Word of God is infallible and is to be obeyed. We believe all the gifts and power of the Holy Spirit is for today. We are a Church that is deeply missional; seeking to go into all of the world with the good message of salvation through Jesus Christ. We desire that all who attend meetings encounter God Himself and leave changed by this encounter. We also deeply desire that people are able to flourish in their gifts within a loving and supportive environment.
Our Story
“Elim arose from a home group which was meeting in our home. God called us to raise up a church based on the Word, Faith and the Power of God.
We had a deep conviction that God was anointing us to go out and to hold meetings outside the safety of the church walls.”
– Ps Martin & Michelle Duffy
After meeting for six months Pastor Martin Duffy founded Elim Christian Ministry and opened the church in April 2006. We now have 75 churches globally.

Our Core Values
By grace through faith in Jesus Christ alone - Ephesians 2:8
Sincere Love
Be devoted to one another in brotherly love - Romans 12:10
Expectant Prayer:
If you believe you will recieve whatever you ask for in prayer - Matthew 21:22
The Power of God
I pray that you understand the incredible greatness of His power towards us who believe - Ephesians 1:19
Teaching people the truth:
Then you shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free - John 8:31
Vision and Mission
To see people saved through believing in Jesus Christ and to make such people disciples of Jesus Christ.
Join Us
West Gosford – 91 Central Coast Hwy(Via Dyer Cres)
Every Sunday @ 9:30am
Every Wednesday @ 7:00 pm
Last Friday of the month @ 7:00 pm
Cooranbong – 79 Kings Rd, Cooranbong
Every Sunday @ 4 pm