Our Leaders
Ross & Ash
I came to the Lord as a young adult, not having been brought up in a Christian home. Walking into a church on one Christmas eve service, my life would never be the same. I heard the good news of Jesus for the first time and within a number of short months I had been born again and received forgiveness for my sin.
My wife and I started serving the Lord and after a number of years moved to Elim church. We begun again to serve God, in particular in the area of youth ministry, which we learned so much and had the privilege to lead and watch Jesus touch many of these young lives. It was through a number of encounters I had that God had revealed to me that I would be a pastor and a number of years later in God's timing this came to pass.
It has been a truly wonderful journey thus far serving God in a different way and have witnessed many peoples life's transformed through coming to know Jesus, prayer and healing ministry. There's nothing like serving God and seeing Him being lifted up and glorified through the ministry of the Holy Spirit.
I am passionate about "setting the captives free", God has given me a certain compassion for this area and It's a joy for my wife Ashleigh and I to serve together in much of what we do for the Lord.
Founders, Elim Church Global
Senior Leader & Chairman Martin Duffy
Martin founded Elim Church in April 2006. He is a prophetic voice to Australia. He is passionate to see people raised up to their full potential in Jesus Christ. Martin is a respected leader who models a life of expectant prayer. A strong preacher to the Nations whose ministry is confirmed by signs and wonders. He is married to Michelle and has 3 daughters. Martin has a bachelors’ degree from the Australian College of Theology.
Leader Michelle Duffy
Michelle ministers to women and children. She is passionate about seeing women receive healing and grow in the Word of God. Her desire is that people would feel that they are part of a family and know that they are seen and supported. She has undertaken various women’s meetings through out crusades in different nations.
John Parsons
With a background in building and construction management and architecture, who would think one could qualify to assist to pastor a church. God works in mysterious ways!
I am sure it’s my availability not my ability that God uses to qualify and give the guidance and leading by the power of Holy Spirit to help “shepherd the flock” here at Elim Church.
For some time I have seen my role as “Doorkeeper in the house of the Lord” He has given me a love and desire to serve the church – His body of believers. God is growing more and more in me each day a desire to pastorally care for the body of Christ not only in our local community here at Elim Church but to see revival come and for the church to be honoured in our community, that is to lift high the name of Jesus Christ.
I am passionate to see Jesus Christ be the desire of all nations. Every day I am humbled by interrelating with my Christian brothers and sisters in the many nations that we co-partner to bring the good news of Jesus Christ. They teach me much and help me walk the narrow path towards that crown of glory that awaits us.
Rhonda Parsons
I am a wife, mother and grandmother, a pastor/teacher and am committed to caring for the Body of Christ in a pastoral way offering practical help and support both at Elim and also further afield.
I love God’s Word and love to teach the bible to women and children and also teach SRE in local state schools. I believe the nurturing and discipleship of new Christian believers is very important and I enjoy one on one teaching of the Word and walking with new believers to full discipleship.
I am committed to prayer, have seen the power of God released through prayer and feel compelled to intercede for all people and especially for the Body of Christ.
Bruce & Glynis
My wife Glynis and I have been in ministry of some sort since the beginning of our Christian life together, approx 50 yrs (we started young). Even though we both came from unchurched backgrounds, I taught Sunday School, she an officer in the ‘Boys Brigade’, early in our walk. I had a few years in Boys Brigade also. We have been on many prayer and evangelism teams over the years, and served on Beach Mission, Outback Aboriginal and East Timor building missions. We have been and still are Bible Study leaders and are passionate about understanding Gods Word and applying it practically in our lives.
We still have a heart for young people growing up into an ever changing and difficult world, especially now that we have grandchildren.
Glynis is particularly passionate about young adults and wants to see them victorious in taking their place in the Church body.
I (Bruce) serve as an Elder and have a passion for Discipleship, and in seeing victory for the many men trying to overcome passiveness, alienation, disfunction and displacement, along with the mental health often in that mix.
We both share in the solid belief, and faith that Jesus truly is the answer to all the problems, and rely on His Holy Spirit to help us in all our life and ministry.
Kevin & Julie
Being a believer for most of my adult life, I have seen many changes in the church landscape and not always for the better. What is tolerated today would not have been accepted 45 years ago when I first made a commitment to Christ. I feel a great responsibility being an Elder at Elim Church Global and one I take with fear and trepidation. Over the years I have filled most positions within the body of Christ from Sunday School Superintended, Youth Pastor to Senior Pastor.
I have an unwavering belief in the inspired word of God and that the church be built on Biblical Foundation principals alone. With the experience I have gained over the years I would best be described as a Watchman in our church at Elim. My wife Julie and I have six children between us with seven grandchildren and three great grandchildren. Julie is my greatest support and helpmate. The Lord has truly blessed us.
Worship Leader
Pastor Ifeanyi Egwutuoha
Pastor Ifeanyi Egwutuoha was born in a Christian family in Nigeria. God called him in 1991 to serve Him. Ifeanyi obtained his PhD from University of Sydney in Electrical and Information Engineering. He is currently a University lecturer and a Pastor in Elim Church. He has witnessed the move of Holy Spirit in Elim Church, Australia. He has passion in prayer, praise and worship. Ifeanyi is also passionate to see Australian revival spring forth. He is married to Nancy Egwutuoha.
Pastor Nancy Egwutuoha
Nancy Egwutuoha was raised up in Christian family, a committed Christian, a follower of Jesus Christ, and a mother of four. Nancy had a divine encounter with Holy Spirit in 1995 and she received an unction to intercede, praise and worship. She has a prophetic gift and she serves God in that area. She is passionate about people living holy and after the similitude of Jesus Christ. Nancy provides an excellent support to her husband in the ministry.
Senior Pastor Ross Roberts
Pastor Ashleigh Roberts
Join Us
West Gosford – 91 Central Coast Hwy(Via Dyer Cres)
Every Sunday @ 9:30am
Every Wednesday @ 7:00 pm
Last Friday of the month @ 7:00 pm
Cooranbong – 79 Kings Rd, Cooranbong
Every Sunday @ 4 pm